FDA Compliance Maintained

Camvac FDA Compliance

For another consecutive year, Camvac has successfully maintained our 100% FDA Compliance score for 2021-2022.

The latest FDA Compliance inspection was a little different from previous years as a result of the COVID-19 regulations in place. Camvac’s business operations were still inspected for compliance with the stringent standards required by the FDA. Although the inspection was carried out remotely, Camvac still passed and our FDA Compliance has been extended for the year ahead.

The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health in the USA through the control and supervision of their operating industries. The FDA is a broad regulatory authority with responsibilities that regulate a range of product categories including; foods, medical and electronic products. The area of interest for Camvac is the food category due to our food and converter packaging solutions.

Camvac are pleased to have successfully passed the audit. Maintaining the FDA Compliance means Camvac can continue to supply packaging solutions into the USA markets, in particular the Liquid Packaging Market.

Extrapet Recyclable Barrier Lidding Film

lidding film thats recyclable by Camvac

ExtraPET Recyclable Lidding Film by Camvac  

Norfolk based Camvac was the first company in Europe to produce food contact grade metallised PET and OPP films. Today Camvac is one of the leading global suppliers of metallised and clear barrier films and laminates for a wide range of Food Packaging, Liquid Packaging (Bag-in-Box) Solutions, Medical Applications, Construction, and Insulation products. Camvac’s metallised films and laminates can be found in a wide range of consumer end products and packaging, from lidding on ready meals to films within construction insulation. Camvac’s product range is constantly developing and evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of the consumer. Camvac has invested heavily into technological advances enabling sustainable packaging solutions to be available across most of their product portfolio, under their Camvert range.

Not all high barrier, sustainable, film solutions are newcomers to Camvac’s Product Portfolio. Since its creation over twenty years ago Camvac’s ExtraPET film has been widely acknowledged and recognised as a market leading product within the global lidding film sector. It’s mono-material structure, exceedingly high barrier performance, both OTR and MVTR, critical for MAP/CAP packaging, together with high clarity and market leading antifog properties have been contributing factors to the film’s longevity and continued market success.

ExtraPET is an all PET (mono material) configuration, available in a range of structures with the two most common being 12micron Polyester laminated to 15micron Polyester and 12um PET to 25um PET. Barrier performance is gained by Camvac vacuum coating the material during manufacture with one of their ‘Cam’ processes. Camclear® was another Camvac first, introducing alox coated polyester film into the market as a chlorine-free clear barrier film, setting industry standards for gas barrier and clarity, which makes it unbeatable for a variety of applications.

As a direct result of ExtraPET being an all polyester structure, the potential of total recyclability, where post-consumer collection infrastructure exist, is possible.

The transparent high barrier polyester laminate recyclable lidding film is found in most UK supermarkets and has a growing presence globally, particularly in mainland Europe. Its versatility means the film is used for a wide range of processed meats, fresh meats, poultry, pastas, vegetable, and bakery, where presentation and fresh appearance is critical. ExtraPET provides a variety of environmentally friendly solutions in peel and non-peel, anti-fog, and high barrier options.

The recyclable lidding film has the capability to seal and peel from various tray structures include PET trays. A PET tray and ExtraPET film lid combination meets the ever-growing requirement of a complete mono-material packaging solution that is truly recyclable.

Camvac are not willing to settle for a film which has been a market leader. Camvac’s in-house development team are working relentlessly to guarantee ExtraPET (recyclable lidding film) exceeds market demands and its reputation. Consumers are demanding greener and more sustainable options and with the imminent new plastic tax introduction, investment in new sustainable technologies has to become not only best practise, but affordable, while also representing a major plus to consumers growing ever more concerned about the recyclability of plastic film and laminate products they purchase.

This is no more evident than with the PCR (Post Consumer Recycled) base film ExtraPET solution. ExtraPET PCR is in the final development stages and will be commercially ready in Spring this year. Gary Chalkley, Development Director of Camvac, commented “the consumers are demanding green solutions and even COVID-19 has not put a stop to Camvac’s development plans. Our ExtraPET 70% PCR lidding film is in the final development stages. After the final round of testing has been completed, Camvac will be able to accept commercial orders from new and existing customers alike. The PCR lidding film development comes directly from the Development Team’s hard work but also our Production Team’s eagerness to create an even more sustainable and environmentally friendly film to meet what the market is demanding”.

Camvac’s predominant customer base is and will continue to be the converter and packer. Recently the company has entered new markets, partnering with machine manufactures and tray producers. These new relationships are built upon the quality and reliability of Camvac’s ExtraPET film (recyclable lidding film). As Camvac continues to invest and development new packaging films, the company are continually seeking new opportunities to partner with likeminded companies and would welcome any opportunity to discuss new partnerships -not only for their ExtraPET films but also their other packaging solutions.


ExtraPET Key Product Benefits

  • Mono-material (widely recyclable / recyclable lidding film)
  • Chlorine free barrier coating (environmentally friendly)
  • Excellent seal integrity
  • Peel / non-peel options
  • Antifog / non-antifog options
  • Excellent light transmission / low haze values. Excellent clarity and product visibility
  • High barrier laminate offers extended product shelf-life
  • Microwavable / ovenable (Camclear® ExtraPET Structure)


Camvac Contact Details;
Camvac Limited
Burrell Way, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3QY
+44 (0) 1842 755 021


recyclable lidding film

ExtraPET: Film riciclabile ad alta barriera prodotto da Camvac

Camvac è un’azienda con sede a Norfolk, pioniere in Europa nella produzione di film e laminati utilizzando PET e OPP metallizzato e trasparente per il contatto alimentare.

Camvac è attualmente uno dei principali fornitori mondiali di pellicole metallizzate e trasparenti che offrono un’elevata barriera protettiva. Inoltre nel nostro portafoglio abbiamo una vasta gamma di laminati per imballaggi alimentari, imballaggi liquidi (Bag-in-Box), applicazioni mediche, prodotti per l’edilizia e l’isolamento. I nostri film e laminati metallizzati possono essere trovati in una vasta gamma di prodotti finali e imballaggi di consumo, dai coperchi sui piatti pronti e dai prodotti dedicati all’isolamento in edilizia.

La gamma di prodotti è in costante sviluppo ed evoluzione per soddisfare le mutevoli esigenze dei consumatori. Grazie agli investimenti in progressi tecnologici effettuati da Camvac, siamo in grado di offrire ai nostri clienti prodotti di imballaggio sostenibili, disponibili nella gamma Camvert.

Non tutti i nostri prodotti ad alta barriera e sostenibili sono recenti poiché il film ExtraPET è stato creato da Camvac più di vent’anni fa ed è stato considerato un leader di mercato, riconosciuto in tutto il mondo come “Rolls Royce” di film per imballaggio. La sua struttura monomaterica e la sua elevata barriera sia all’ossigeno che all’umidità, fondamentali per il confezionamento in atmosfera protettiva o per atmosfera modificata, unitamente alle sue proprietà di trasparenza e antiappannamento, sono fattori che contribuiscono al suo continuo successo sul mercato.

ExtraPet è un prodotto completamente realizzato in PET (monomateriale), disponibile in una varietà di strutture, le due più comuni sono il poliestere da 12 micron laminato a poliestere da 15 micron e il poliestere da 12 micron laminato a poliestere da 25 micron. In Camvac otteniamo l’alta barriera grazie ad un processo di rivestimento, chiamato “Cam”. Camclear® è stata un’altra innovazione sviluppata da Camvac, è un film trasparente, privo di cloro con un’eccellente barriera contro l’ossigeno e l’umidità che lo rende estremamente versatile per una varietà di applicazioni.

ExtraPET, essendo una struttura totalmente in poliestere, garantisce e facilita il suo successivo riciclaggio.

I nostri prodotti ExtraPet si trovano nella maggior parte dei supermercati del Regno Unito e hanno una presenza crescente a livello globale, soprattutto in Europa. Grazie alla versatilità del nostro laminato, è possibile utilizzarlo in una vasta gamma di prodotti come carni lavorate, carni fresche, pollame, pasta, verdure e prodotti da forno, dove la presentazione e l’aspetto fresco sono fondamentali. ExtraPET offre una varietà di soluzioni ecocompatibili, offrendo alternative in opzioni di sigillatura, proprietà barriera e antiappannamento.

ExtraPet ha la capacità di sigillare ermeticamente varie strutture di vassoio, compresi i vassoi in PET. La combinazione del vassoio in PET e del coperchio ExtraPET è la perfetta soluzione di imballaggio riciclabile in quanto è un prodotto completamente monomateriale

Non solo Camvac si accontenta di un prodotto leader di mercato, ma il team di tecnici lavora instancabilmente per garantire che ExtraPET superi le richieste del mercato e la sua reputazione.

Con l’imminente introduzione di una tassa sull’uso della plastica, l’investimento in nuove tecnologie sostenibili deve diventare non solo best practice, ma anche conveniente, rappresentando anche un grande vantaggio per i consumatori che richiedono sempre più possibilità di scelta ecologico e sostenibile.

Il miglior esempio di sostenibilità è la nostra soluzione ExtraPET PCR (Post Consumer Recycled). I nostri nuovi prodotti ExtraPET PCR sono nelle fasi finali di sviluppo e saranno commercialmente pronti nella primavera di quest’anno. Gary Chalkley, Direttore dello sviluppo di Camvac, ha commentato che “I consumatori chiedono soluzioni ecologiche e persino COVID-19 non ha fermato i piani di sviluppo di Camvac. Il nostro prodotto ExtraPET 70% PCR è nelle fasi finali di sviluppo. Camvac sarà in grado di accettare ordini da clienti nuovi ed esistenti una volta completato il ciclo finale di test. Lo sviluppo di ExtraPET PCR nasce direttamente dal duro lavoro dei nostri tecnici, ma anche dall’entusiasmo del nostro team di produzione per creare un film ancora più sostenibile ed ecologico per soddisfare le richieste del mercato “.

Il portafoglio clienti di Camvac è e continuerà ad essere aziende specializzate nella trasformazione dei nostri prodotti e aziende di confezionamento. Recentemente, l’azienda è entrata in nuovi mercati, collaborando con costruttori di macchine e produttori di vassoi. Queste nuove relazioni si basano sulla qualità e l’affidabilità del nostro prodotto ExtraPET.


Principali vantaggi di ExtraPET

  • Mono materiale (ampiamente riciclabile)
  • Rivestimento barriera senza cloro (ecologico)
  • Eccellenti proprietà di tenuta ai liquidi
  • Opzioni di sigillatura (peeling)
  • Opzioni anti-appannamento
  • Eccellente trasmissione della luce con conseguente alta visibilità e chiarezza del prodotto
  • Alta barriera, che offre l’estensione della vita utile del prodotto
  • Capacità di resistere a trattamenti termici (microonde / forno) nella versione Camclear® ExtraPET


Camvac Limited
+44 (0) 1842 755 021


recyclable lidding film

ExtraPET:  Película reciclable con alta barrera producida por Camvac

Camvac es una empresa situada en Norfolk, pionera en Europa por producir películas y laminados utilizando PET y OPP metalizadas y trasparentes para contacto con alimentos.

En la actualidad Camvac es uno de los principales proveedores mundiales tanto en películas metalizadas como transparentes que ofrecen alta barrera protectora. También en nuestro porfolio disponemos de una amplia gama de laminados para el envasado de alimentos, envasado de líquidos (Bag-in-Box), aplicaciones médicas, la construcción y productos de aislamiento. Nuestras películas y laminados metalizados se pueden encontrar en una amplia gama de productos finales y envases para el consumidor, desde tapas en platos preparados hasta formando parte en productos dedicados al aislamiento en la construcción.

La gama de productos de Camvac se desarrolla y evoluciona constantemente para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes del consumidor. Gracias a la inversión en avances tecnológicos realizada por Camvac podemos ofrecer a nuestros clientes productos de embalaje sostenibles, disponibles en la gama Camvert.

No todos nuestros productos con alta barrera y sostenibles son recientes ya que la película ExtraPET fue creada por Camvac hace más de veinte años y se ha considerado líder en el mercado, reconocida mundialmente como un “Rolls Royce” de las películas para envasado. Su estructura mono material y su alta barrera tanto en oxígeno y humedad, crítico para el embalaje en atmosfera controlada o para atmosfera modificada junto con la transparencia y propiedades antivaho, son factores que contribuyen al éxito continuo en el mercado.

ExtraPet es un producto completamente fabricado de PET (mono material), disponible en una variedad de estructuras, siendo las dos más comunes poliéster de 12 micrones laminado a poliéster de 15 micrones y poliéster de 12 micrones laminado a poliéster de 25 micrones. En Camvac obtenemos la alta barrera debido a un proceso de recubrimiento, llamado “Cam”. Camclear® ha sido otra innovación desarrollada por Camvac, es una película libre de cloro, transparente con una excelente barrera contra el oxígeno y la humedad que lo hacen extremadamente versátil para una variedad de aplicaciones

ExtraPET por ser una estructura totalmente fabricada de poliéster, garantiza y facilita su posterior reciclaje.

Nuestros productos ExtraPet se encuentran en la mayoría de los supermercados del Reino Unido y tienen una creciente presencia a nivel mundial especialmente en Europa. Gracias a la versatilidad de nuestro laminado, es posible utilizarlo en una amplia gama de productos como en carnes procesadas, carnes frescas, aves, pastas, vegetales y panadería, en donde la presentación y la apariencia fresca son fundamentales. ExtraPET ofrece una variedad de soluciones respetuosas con el medio ambiente, ofreciendo alternativas en las opciones de sellado, propiedades de barrera y antivaho.

ExtraPet tiene la capacidad de sellar herméticamente varias estructuras de bandeja, incluyendo las bandejas PET. La combinación de bandeja PET y la tapa ExtraPET es la perfecta solución de envasado reciclable ya que es un producto completamente mono material

Camvac no solo se conforma con un producto que es líder en el mercado, sino que el equipo de técnicos está trabajando sin descanso para garantizar que ExtraPET supere las demandas del mercado y su reputación.

Con la inminente introducción de un impuesto sobre el uso de plástico, la inversión en nuevas tecnologías sostenibles debe convertirse no solo en las mejores prácticas, sino también en ser asequible, al tiempo que representa una gran ventaja para los consumidores que cada vez más exigen opciones ecológicas y sostenibles.

El mejor ejemplo de sostenibilidad es nuestra solución ExtraPET PCR (Post Consumer Recycled). Nuestros nuevos productos ExtraPET PCR se encuentran en las finales etapas de desarrollo y estará listo comercialmente en primavera de este año. Gary Chalkley Director de Desarrollo de Camvac, comentó que “los consumidores exigen soluciones ecológicas e incluso COVID-19 no ha detenido los planes de desarrollo de Camvac. Nuestro producto ExtraPET 70% PCR se encuentra en las etapas finales de desarrollo. Camvac podrá aceptar pedido de nuevos y existentes clientes, una vez que se haya completado la ronda final de pruebas. El desarrollo de ExtraPET PCR proviene directamente del arduo trabajo de nuestros técnicos, pero también del entusiasmo de nuestro equipo de producción por crear una película aún más sostenible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente para satisfacer las demandas del mercado “.

La cartera de clientes de Camvac son y seguirán siendo las empresas especializadas en convertir nuestros productos y empresas envasadoras. Recientemente, la empresa ha entrado en nuevos mercados, asociándose con fabricantes de máquinas y productores de bandejas. Estas nuevas relaciones se basan en la calidad y fiabilidad de nuestro producto ExtraPET. Camvac continúa invirtiendo y desarrollando nuevos productos para envasado, estando en la continua búsqueda para asociarnos con empresas afines y discutir nuevas oportunidades, no solo para sus productos ExtraPET sino también para sus otras soluciones de envasado.

Beneficios clave de ExtraPET

  • Mono material (ampliamente reciclable)
  • Recubrimiento de barrera libre de cloro (respetuoso con el medio ambiente)
  • Excelentes propiedades de estanqueidad de líquidos
  • Opciones de sellado (pelado)
  • Opciones antivaho
  • Excelente transmisión de luz resultando en una alta visibilidad y claridad del producto
  • Alta barrera, ofreciendo la ampliación de la vida útil del producto
  • Capacidad de soportar tratamientos térmicos (microondas/ horno) en la versión Camclear® ExtraPET


Detalles de Contacto:

Camvac Limited
+44 (0) 1842 755 021

Thermal Insulation Film used in fight against COVID-19

thermal insulation film by Camvac

Camvac support the fight against COVID-19 with our industry leading thermal insulation film.

Camvac are industry leaders within the high barrier food and liquid beverage packaging sectors. However, we also offer speciality films which are used for a range of applications. One of our most important films we are currently producing is our Camtherm metallised films and laminates. These films are used within the thermal insulation industry, specifically within Vacuum Insulated Panels, VIPs.

Our Camtherm structures have the very important task of transporting the COVID-19 vaccines around the globe. Many of the vaccines which have been developed are required to be kept at very low temperatures. As a result, temperature-controlled packaging is being used as the transport solution of choice. The temperature-controlled boxes are designed to offer energy efficiency as well as excellent space savings and reliability therefore more vaccines per shipment!

Camvac’s Camtherm film has been specifically designed, tested and optimised to be supplied in laminate or single web structures. Camtherm demonstrates exceptional barrier to oxygen and moisture as well as excellent emissivity values. These characteristics results in our Camtherm films being used within the manufacture of VIP panels. The VIP panel offers insulation within the outer packaging of the container / box. VIP panels have unique characteristics which makes them ideal for transportation. These characteristics include extremely low thermal conductivity, coupled with long-term thermal performance and low insulation thickness. They are also reusable, recyclable and nontoxic so ecologically friendly.

Camvac may not be on the front-line fighting this pandemic but together with our thermal insulation film and partners we are doing all we can to assist in the fight against COVID-19.

Liquid Packaging Rapid Fire Q&A

Camvac’s Andrew Smith, Key Account Manager and Liquid Packaging expert, discusses bulk packaging, carbon footprints, and the wider benefits of flexible packaging with a rapid fire Q&A with Packaging Europe.

Your elevator pitch: introduce and sell us your company in no more than 280 characters.

For 30 years, Camvac has been a supplier of barrier laminates for liquid packaging in bag-in-box, aseptic bag-in-drum, IBC, and flexitank formats; combining our vacuum coating barrier technology and capability to manufacture both adhesive and thermal laminates in slit rolls up to 2200mm wide.

Where are your company’s locations? Are there any specific challenges or advantages relating to your geographical location that you could tell us about?

Based in the UK, Camvac benefits from strong transport links by road, rail, and sea to Europe and within an hour of a major international shipping port for its global customer base. Brexit trade deals and future global trade deals may open further opportunities for Camvac.

Tell us a surprising fact about the market you work in.

Consumers may not realise that this packaging is used to globally ship, protect, preserve, and supply many different food products: wine, fruit juice, tomatoes, eggs, dairy items. Annually, over 2 billion litres of liquid products are filled into packaging using Camvac technology.

At Packaging Europe, we like to watch trends and areas of innovation as they evolve. Can you tell us something we might not be aware of that is driving technology in your sphere?

Bulk liquid packaging is growing. The format has a lower carbon footprint than many alternative packaging options and can use recyclable materials and reusable containers. Camvac’s focus is the development of laminates that may enable full bag recycling and pack weight reduction.

What would you say is the biggest common misconception that you encounter in your business?

The significant carbon footprint benefits and reduction of food waste using this packaging format has been lost in the media portrayal of “plastic”, however Camvac continues to innovate solutions for the market, improving recyclability and sustainability and reducing pack weight.

If the wider packaging industry could be transformed in some way, what kind of change would you like to see?

A unified approach outlining the positive benefits of flexible packaging to the consumer, aligned with investment from industry and government with a focus on collecting materials and enabling mixed plastics to be recycled with innovative outlets for re-use in new applications.

…and how do you envisage your company changing the industry in the coming years?

Camvac will launch new products that could transform the recycling capability of many packaging formats used by our customers and end-users. Our barrier coating and lamination technologies will innovate new possibilities as we move into a more sustainable future.

Apprenticeship Opportunities

Due to continued business growth Camvac’s recruitment drive continues.

We now have various apprenticeship positions available across our business.

The following departments all have apprenticeship positions available;

  • Production
  • Engineering
  • Technical Support

If you wish to apply for one of the apprenticeship roles then please e-mail your current CV and a covering letter to:  info@camvac.com stating why you feel you should be Camvac’s next apprentice.

Sustainable Packaging Solutions Innovation Spotlight

lidding film thats recyclable by Camvac

Camvac discusses its growing range of sustainable packaging solutions and exciting new partnership.

Camvac is one of the leading global suppliers of metallised film as well as clear barrier films and laminates for a wide range of food packaging, liquid packaging (Bag-in-Box solutions), medical applications, construction, and insulation products. Being at the forefront of technological developments, Camvac works closely with our customers to develop new products within the film, laminates and packaging sectors. This is no more evident than Camvac’s latest innovation partnership with PlastoSac UK Ltd.

PlastoSac UK, are a major manufacturer and supplier of flexible and corrugated packaging, who have partnered with fellow UK based packaging experts Camvac Limited. The partnership will see the two companies work in tandem to bring to market a widely recyclable metallised barrier PE, which will be commercially available later this year.

The new partnership came as PlastoSac contacted Camvac as they realised there was a market demand for a widely recyclable barrier PE to challenge the non-recyclable alternatives such as BOPP and PP films, as the world looks for more environmentally friendly packaging solutions. The two packaging companies seek to bring their seventy-plus years of packaging expertise to create what will be a market leading packaging film.

PlastoSac have already successfully launched a fully recyclable PE film into the marketplace. The PE film has rapidly grown in popularity with UK Retailers, Packers, Food Processors and Equipment Manufacturers. Being adapted on a large scale throughout the produce sector, for short shelf life applications and for other longer shelf life foodstuffs where a barrier is not required.

PlastoSac’s MD James Whitehead states ‘There is a need for a barrier solution where longer shelf life is required and where a gas barrier is required. As part of PlastoSac’s ongoing development plan PSFPE is being adapted for barrier and other specialist technical applications.

To successfully bring a fully recyclable barrier PE to market, PlastoSac needed the metallisation expertise Camvac possess. Choosing to partner with Camvac for the development of this barrier PE came as a direct result of Camvac’s market leading metallisation and lamination processes, proven track record and heritage of product development success. This paired with Camvac’s excellent dedicated team with a strong technical and project led approach has led to initial testing results showing positive barrier levels for oxygen and moisture. Further testing is already underway by Camvac and it is anticipated a commercial product will be readily available later this year.

When commercially available, intended uses for the metallised barrier PE will be longer shelf life applications where a gas barrier is required and where the products are sensitive to Oxygen. The food packaging market is crying out for a widely recyclable barrier PE for use in the snacks market (particularly crisps, popcorn & nuts) alongside the coffee beverage market.

Camvac’s product range is constantly developing and evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of the consumer. As a company Camvac aims to bring new products to market as part of their ongoing development growth strategy, alongside working tirelessly to enhance their existing product ranges. No more so than their recent Thermal Laminate re-launch.

Over recent years Camvac has invested heavily into technological advances enabling sustainable packaging solutions to be available across most of their product portfolio. The outcome of these investments is the Camvert Range. Camvert has been precisely designed to provide the packaging industry with sustainable packaging solutions. These advances have been developed to reduce the packaging material to a level where it does not affect shelf life of the product but is also environmentally friendly and sustainable.

One of the key products within Camvac’s Camvert range is their market leading transparent barrier polyester laminate, Extrapet.

Extrapet is used globally as a high barrier lidding film in two key laminate structures: 12 micron / 15 micron or 12 micron / 25 micron PET structures. Extrapet is used for a wide range of processed meats, fresh meats, poultry, pastas, vegetable and bakery, where presentation and fresh appearance is critical, Extrapet provides a variety of environmentally friendly solutions in peel and non-peel, anti-fog and high barrier options.

As a direct result of Extrapet being an all PET (mono material) structure, the potential of total recyclability, where post-consumer collection infrastructure exist, is possible. Extrapet can also include the benefit of recycled content within the manufacture. During the manufacturing process, Extrapet uses Camvac’s AlOx coated transparent barrier film Camclear.

To find out more about Camvac’s sustainable packaging solutions, innovative metallisation processes, film possibilities and the progress of the PlastoSac UK partnership, visit www.camvac.com

COVID-19 hasn’t locked down our expansion plans

camfresh camvert compostable lidding film

Across the packaging industry there have been mixed messages on the effects of COVID-19 on businesses. Plenty of companies haven’t needed to furlough staff, and many have in fact seen spikes in production. In this article, Greg Kingham, CEO of Camvac, explains the impact of COVID on his company’s plans for the future, particularly the Southern Europe expansion.

Camvac is a UK-based, leading global supplier of metallised films, clear barrier films and laminates for a wide range of food packaging, liquid packaging, medical applications, and insulation products. Before the start of the lockdown period in the UK, we had a successful Packaging Innovations exhibition, launching our new home compostable metallised acetate film, Cambrite Camvert. As the pandemic grew, we started to witness an increase in demand for products used in the healthcare, food and liquid packaging markets, something which at the time was not expected.

As a company, we needed to maintain supply into these critical sectors, along with other speciality markets, which led to us increasing our manufacturing output by moving from a two-shift operation to a three-shift 24 hour, 5 day operation. This increase in shift production is testament to Camvac’s willingness to meet their customer expectations. We did experience some raw material supply chain issues during the peak, but the Camvac team worked tirelessly to minimise the disruption this could have caused – with great support also from many of our suppliers.

Demand for our Extrapet material has increased substantially, not only during the pandemic but since the emergence of debates on packaging sustainability. Extrapet is a transparent barrier polyester laminate, which is used in a wide range of lidding film applications, including processed meats, fresh meats, poultry, pasta, vegetables and baked goods, where presentation and freshness are critical. Extrapet is an all-PET, mono-material structure available in peel and non-peel, anti-fog and high barrier options.

In 2019 we started to introduce a greater range of sustainable packaging solutions under our Camvert range. COVID-19 has not put a stop to Camvac’s ambitious growth plans, with new products coming to fruition and existing barrier films being re-launched during the pandemic.

To further reinforce this, we are currently appointing a Sales Agent and Distributor for Southern Europe, a packaging professional with over 20 years sales and business development experience within the plastic packaging industry. His objective will be to grow Camvac’s customer base in Southern Europe, particularly Spain, Italy, and Portugal.

A key market for our new sales agent at Camvac will be expanding our environmentally friendly films. We are now in a position whereby we can offer excellent barrier films that are recyclable, alongside compostable options.

Having this new sales representative in the Southern European Region, further strengthens the uniqueness Camvac offers our customers.

We not only manufacture high quality barrier films, but we pride ourselves on working in partnership with our customers to exceed their needs and develop new products within the film, laminates, and packaging sectors. Having this new and experienced sales professional in the field will help us in supporting our European Customers whilst we strive to meet our ambitious Southern Europe expansion plans.

Improved Thermal Laminate Launched

Camvac thermal laminate launched

Camvac, a leading supplier of barrier films and laminates, both metallised and transparent, has re-launched their Thermal Laminate product range with enhanced product performance.

The high-performance, metallised triplex Thermal Laminate range is part of the Camplex product portfolio and is predominantly used within the manufacture of Bag-in-Box and bulk liquid packaging solutions. The thermal lamination range provides excellent seal strength, seal integrity and flexibility, which are key performance parameters in the packing and transportation of liquids.

The metallised polyester film and conversion into metallised thermal laminate has been developed in-house. Camvac’s barrier film technology provides high oxygen barrier properties, maximising product shelf-life from packing through to consumption. Manufacturing of Camvac’s Thermal Laminate utilises the businesses Camplus® process to enhance the oxygen barrier and in combination with its improved thermal lamination technology delivers bags with exceptional strength.

The enhanced product performance achieved through the recent development program will also enable Camvac to offer products from within the Thermal Laminate portfolio that could provide additional sustainability and cost savings to the supply chain. This will be achievable as the quality of the laminate may eliminate the requirement of the inner liner films, providing the possibility to significantly reduce the quantity of plastic per bag unit and deliver cost savings, whilst maintaining product performance.

The Thermal Laminate product range compliments Camvac’s wide portfolio of barrier metallised and transparent adhesive lamination products that are supplied to the bag-in-box and bulk liquid packaging markets where Camvac has held a strong presence and reputation for quality, service and innovation for around 30 years.

Camvac’s Thermal Laminates can be manufactured up to a width of 2180mm.

Camvac manufactures a diverse portfolio of barrier films and laminates that are suitable for and widely used in a range of food applications, including dry foods such as coffee, tea, and infant formula, in addition to the snack products, fresh foods and lidding film markets. Improving their Thermal Laminate product performance is part of a wider investment programme which has seen several new products launched into the marketplace and improvements made to already established product ranges.

Gary Chalkley, Camvac’s Development Director spoke of the products newfound success: “Camvac’s investment programme has definitely contributed to the enhanced product performance and our capability to produce excellent barrier properties for the Thermal Laminate. But it has not all been about investment. Without the in-house Technical and Operation Teams working in tandem with the desire to improve the product performance we would not have been able to bring a superior product to market. Thermal Laminate by Camvac is a product range we see as an area of continuous improvement. This is just the first steps in the project. Our future laminate developments targeted at sustainability will provide the potential to revolutionise the Bag-in-Box and bulk liquid packaging marketplace”.

For further information and product details  on the Camplex range, click here.

Shift Quality Control Inspector Vacancy

Camvac Entrance Sign

We are currently looking a Shift Quality Control Inspector, working on a 3 rotating shift basis, to join our quality team based in Thetford (Norfolk UK). This is a permanent position.

The role will involve co-ordinating quality control of all components that go into single-ply and laminated film structures. This will include raw materials at material intake and validation of the materials at various stages of the conversion process. Ensuring products are being produced in accordance agreed specifications and that all agreed testing protocols are being adhered to. The ideal applicant would have a previous experience of a quality control role in a fast-moving production environment, be able to demonstrate good problem-solving skills and have an eye for detail. Strong communication skills both verbal and written along with the ability to work under their own initiative are essential attributes for this role. The ideal candidate would also be computer literate with good knowledge of Microsoft Office. Experience using SAP would be preferable, however full training on SAP would be given.

We offer comprehensive training and development, priding ourselves on a safe working environment.

Normal hours of work are 40 hours per week. The normal shift pattern is   22.00–06.00, 0600-1400, 14.00-22.00 on a 3-week rotating shift pattern.

Benefits include 25 days paid holiday per year plus the Bank Holiday, Company Pension Scheme and free car parking. Salary will be £21,784, including shift pay, per annum.

If you wish to apply for the role of Shift Quality Control Inspector then please e-mail your current CV and a covering letter to:  richard.kerry@camvac.com. Or, if preferred application forms can be obtained by contacting Camvac Limited on 01842 755021

Visit our Careers Page to see all our current vacancies.

Temporary General Operator Vacancies

Due to a continued uplift in demand & the ongoing issues created by the Corona Virus Crisis, Camvac has some vacancies for Temporary General Operatives working in our manufacturing facility.

These vacancies are advertised on a week by week basis & will be temporary roles.

The ideal candidate will be physically fit, with previous experience of working in a manufacturing environment. They will be required to perform shift work.

Interviews are ongoing and will aim to start successful candidates quickly.

If you are interested or know someone who is interested in the opportunity to join the Camvac Team, please ask them to send their C.V. – showing at least the last two years employment history – to Jim Oddie, Operations Director, at their earliest convenience.

Please email jim.oddie@camvac.com